Health care systems have to be designed to never go down, to accommodate fluctuating workloads and to meet a variety of other requirements peculiar to health care institutions.
Take the software systems away and you’d be left with a lot of dumb devices that cannot perform the life-saving functions for which they were designed.
The challenge for a health care CIO, as opposed to a typical business support CIO, is providing a 24/7, high-availability software system that can support the clinical requirements of the medical devices. A high-availability business system usually has maintenance windows. That would be a luxury for a high-availability health care system.
Healthcare IT looks beyond disaster recovery to high availability. "We need to try to move beyond mere disaster recovery," said Steve G. Langer, Ph.D., an associate professor of imaging physics and informatics at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, MN.
Simply being prepared for a disaster and having the ability to recover lost patient files does not take into account the cost to patient convenience and confidence, not to mention hospital efficiency, that other types of downtime such as scheduled outages entail, Langer said.
He described two different types of downtime: unscheduled outages that occur due to natural disasters or network attacks, and scheduled outages that occur due to routine network system maintenance and upgrades by the vendor. Most vendors do not count the second type of downtime against a contracted guaranteed amount of uptime, he said.
When charting system uptime and availability, measurements are counted by the "nines"
Citing the 2004 Meta Group, Langer said that scheduled downtime costs could amount to $142 per full-time employee per hour.
Hospitals should strive for four-nine (99.99%) availability and beyond.
High availability cluster can consist of dual-node active/passive clusters, dual-node active/active clusters, and load-balancing stateless clusters. Using a clustered computing methodology, hospitals can move away from a single point of failure bringing the entire facility down and toward a continuously available system.