

All real-time and near real-time distributed/non-distributed computing systems in defence are mission critical systems. They are highly sensitive to faults. Smallest failure can result in high disruption in the system. Failure propagation can cause extreme interruption to the mission.

Our experts design and develop unique, diverse and customized high availability solutions for all kinds of defence systems. Our HA solutions help the systems to achieve success in critical missions without fail.

We are helping defence systems manufacturers to achieve and maintain systems availability, all the time, even in case of failures/faults occurring in the systems.

Modernization trends in Defense
  • Software intensive systems e.g. a fighter plane has millions of lines of code
  • Software is crucial to success of today’s weapons systems
  • Focus on quality of software
  • Reduce cost by software (upgrade). E.g. By changing software, a pilot based platform can be converted to pilotless (i.e. UAV) and vice-versa
Challenges that came along with the Modernization
  • No defined functional boundaries make plug-in/plug-out difficult without Open Architecture
  • Increased software functional density and complexity
  • Increased the chances of multiple points of failure across distributed systems
  • Mixed criticality systems
  • Difficulty in monitoring of different software systems seamlessly by a single HA Software
  • Difficulty in Management and Control of different software systems as well as in upgrade


Jet Fighter's glitch

There was a failure in the jet fighter’s radar, essentially rendering a pilot blind until the radar is restarted.

Software consists of over few million lines of code, it is almost definite that problems exist.

It is evident that the added time and monumental budget (over ~hundreds of billions USD) doesn’t seem to have helped.

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Combat Ship: "one-hit-and-done"

An attack on Combat Ship from one direction hits one side of the ship. The software systems controlling the complete function of the ship, get destroyed.

Even though ship can still move, still it is rendered useless for a fight.

Designing the redundant software systems helps in providing high availability of the software systems.

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